- being able to talk about what you do and what can be bought from you as easily as you recommend watching your favorite show?
- having the words and the courage to speak up about your work when it's time to invite someone to buy from you?
- having the fits-just-right-Goldilocks of offers available? Not too many that you're exhausted and no longer sure what's out there, and not so few that you aren't able to support the people you want to work with in the way that you love?
- working with people you like to be around, who get results by working with you, and want to be with you in all your off-beat loving glory?
I'm here to tell you it is possible to bring your
you-ness into business and still make the money you desire
Business success is not about following strict techniques in a book, tactics from the latest course, or searching endlessly through yourself wondering why all of those things don't work for you.
Blaming yourself for "not getting it" and feeling like you're broken and can't do this can be a forgotten memory.
You are not broken!
You need a system that works for you.
It's not about fitting yourself into someone else's mold, it's about understanding what makes you happy and confident in your work and what foundational client-attraction pieces make you willing and able to share your work with the world.
When we combine you + the right client-attraction pieces,
your business takes off and you never have to wonder how to do it 'right' again.
You'll take action and make decisions from a place of wholeness, feeling good to say no to what isn't right for you, no matter how popular it is, or how well the sales page is written.
It'll be a lot harder to push your emotional buttons and insecurities which means you'll be stronger in what you chose to consume and how you operate your business.
Signature Sales Style™

Businesses need to bring in money to survive.
But how the money comes in, doesn't have to be
soul-sucking and you get to define when your business is bankable based on your terms and your values
Creating your Signature Sales Style is a holistic approach to a business that’s:
✨ On your terms
✨ Makes an impact on your client's lives
✨ Is people-centered
⚡️ Is profitable
As an online business owner, you’ve seen a lot of selling and business strategies that made your stomach turn and you’ve been fed the lie that chasing money will guarantee you an impactful business.
Here’s your escape hatch from the sewer of popular selling and scaling at all costs.
I'm Tracie.
I’ve made it my mission to change the culture of sales. I left behind a high-profile corporate career to guide people into a better way to do business. One that never forgets it’s people we are working with and speaking to. One that you can tell your grandma about without feeling ashamed or skipping over parts of the business world.
I may have left corporate, but I haven’t forgotten the lessons from 15 years of experience, 4 business degrees, and the thousands of people I have consulted with and made an impact on.
You get my full knowledge, experience, and passion to tear down the old ways and create businesses that work towards the betterment of all instead of the worship of growth for your business.
What does your dream business do for others and for you? Let’s build it.

I'm constantly blown away by the depth of knowledge and your ability to apply it. It feels so good and so validating to absorb your reframes, get out of my head, and see my life's work accomplished.
__ Laura
I feel like I can breathe again. I feel like there's hope and beautiful possibility for my business and me. I never thought I could be in balance but working with you, I've done it! I praise myself nearly daily for finding you!
Every month you'll have access to
Two core components to working 1:1:
your foundational support & your monthly focus
Working 1:1 means you'll have the support to nurture and grow your business
Each month you'll have access to:
2 1-hr Zoom Calls
Unlimited Voxer*
- 2 deep dive copy audits
- Instant access to Boost the Value of Your Offer in a Day
- Live 1:1 Sales with Ease Lab
Instant access to Audience to Client creating lead magnets built for sales
And each month we'll come together to decide an area of focus to keep you moving forward
Business has many simultaneously moving parts, but focus and decisions, well they need room to percolate and breath. So each month is a chance to review your business goals, look at how far you've come during the last 90 days, and decide an area of focus. We'll then narrow in our goals and actions to get you movin'!
We'll play in one of these arenas each month together:
Community Curation
if you choose this focus for the month these are some of the option of what we can dive into
- How's the health of your audience right now? Where do you want to spend your energy and where are you getting results?
- We will put together a plan for the tools that are right for you and make sure everything leads back to your offers.
- If it's Mar or Sep, you'll have the option to join QtC live
Offer Origination
if you choose this focus for the month these are some of the option of what we can dive into
- What do you currently have that people can buy? What do you wish you had? What do you wish no one buys? Are you leaving money on the table?
- We'll dive into every piece you have the ability to make money on, make sure it aligns with where you want to go, and optimize for your ease and client action
- Thinking of something new? we'll dive into what you wish you could sell if only you knew how or knew someone would buy it. And we'll look at what opportunities your existing offers have to be supported
Sales Style
if you choose this focus for the month these are some of the option of what we can dive into
- wish your stomach didn't turn to knots at the thought of asking someone to buy from you? would you love to stand proud in your offers and be able to answer questions or inquiries about what you sell?
- Looking through the lens of what you like and don't plus the foundations of selling, we'll craft your own selling ecosystem. the kind that runs so you don't have to and that you don't bash away from to bring in cash
- Have a launch coming up? We can plan that and get you access to extended sos support to get you through. In fact, we can plan your entire promotional year and look at the specific copy and timing needed for each launch.
- We won't forget your 'always on' offers either. Deciding when you talk them up, how you get testimonials, and the audience experience with what you do, is all part of making selling work for you.
What our time together will look like
We start our time together with a kick-off call to review your last 90 days, determine your goals, and set your focus for our months together.
Every Month
2 1 hr Zoom Calls
Unlimited Voxer*
- 2 deep dive copy audits
- Instant access to Boost the Value of Your Offer in a Day
- Live 1:1 Sales with Ease Lab
Instant access to Audience to Client creating lead magnets built for sales
Plus a deep dive focus on the chosen area your business needs right now through the lens of the community you desire, the offers you long to sell, and creating a selling ecosystem that feels easeful
Choose 1 deep dive per month
- Audit and action plan for your Community Curation
- Alignment and creation of an offer suite you love
- Building a sales ecosystem that feels right for you and your business
- Promotional launch planning and support
I feel like there’s something missing in my business and I need a focused shot of support while I balance bringing in new money and delivering on current offers
I see lots of opportunity for my business but not a lot of traction. I’m missing sustainable progress and want to deep dive into the different and interlocking areas of my business